Events for Lent 2025:
Event Date Time
Ash Wednesday Service March 5 6:00 PM
Lenten Supper & Bible Study March 12 5:30 PM-Supper
6:30 PM Bible Study
Lenten Supper & Bible Study March 19 5:30 PM-Supper
6:30 PM Bible Study
Lenten Supper & Bible Study March 26 5:30 PM-Supper
6:30 PM Bible Study
Lenten Supper & Bible Study April 2 5:30 PM-Supper
6:30 PM Bible Study
Lenten Supper & Bible Study April 9 5:30 PM-Supper
6:30 PM Bible Study
Palm Sunday Service April 13 10:45 AM
Maundy Thursday Service April 17 7:00 PM
(with communion and the stripping of the altar)
Easter Sunrise Service (lay Leader) April 20 8:00 AM
Easter Brunch April 20 9:15 AM-10:45 AM
​Easter Sunday Service April 20 10:45 AM
Live streaming will be available for all events, except Lenten Suppers and Sunrise Service.

Sunday Services

Our Pastor and Church Council is dedicated to overseeing the life and activities of this congregation and in particular, its worship life, to the end that everything is done in accordance with the Word of God. We act on behalf of the congregation in making decisions for the Church. Before making major decisions, the Church Council shall bring appropriate recommendations to the congregation for approval.